Information on demining

Humanitarian demining of lands of Ukraine

Demining by hand

By manually demining, Ukrainian farmers risk their lives during sowing Valik Komishuvakh, Ukraine CNN. When Oleksandr Havrylyuk first returned to his farm after it was stormed and occupied by Russian troops, tears rolled down his face when he saw what they had left behind. His outbuildings were almost completely destroyed, millions of dollars worth of heavy machinery lay in ruins, and last year's wheat crop burned. But Havrylyuk's most pressing problem was the mines that were buried in 12 square miles of surrounding fields.
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Humanitarian demining

The Deputy Minister of Energy of Ukraine, Yaroslav Demchenkov, during the online meeting of the G7+ Coordination Group on providing assistance to the energy sector of Ukraine, drew the attention of international partners to the problem of demining energy facilities that were under occupation and territories where battles were fought. "According to preliminary data, we need to demine approximately 700 km² of territories adjacent to energy infrastructure and 4,500 km of power transmission lines. However, unfortunately, these numbers will increase. Therefore, one of our priorities is to attract the support of international partners in the humanitarian demining of energy facilities and adjacent territories. It is important to restore the damaged infrastructure


Ukraine will involve NATO countries

Ukraine will cooperate with NATO countries in the issue of humanitarian demining of territories. As reported by Ukrinform, this was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Economy based on the results of the speech of the First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine - Minister of Economy of Ukraine Yulia Svyridenko during the meeting of the Ukraine-NATO Commission at the level of ambassadors. Among the key issues discussed during the meeting were the functioning of the Ukrainian economy during the war and the country's economic recovery. The representatives of the NATO member states assured of their constant support for Ukraine and their readiness to provide our country with the necessary assistance for victory and restoration of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.


The global problem of demining

Das globale Problem der Minenräumung entsteht durch das Vorhandensein von Minen und explosiven Kriegsrückständen in vielen Ländern der Welt. Diese Gegenstände stellen eine Gefahr für das Leben und die Gesundheit der Zivilbevölkerung dar und behindern die sozioökonomische Entwicklung von Postkonfliktregionen. Die Vereinten Nationen und andere internationale Organisationen befassen sich mit der Frage der humanitären Minenräumung, doch der Prozess ist komplex, teuer und langwierig. Experten zufolge könnte es tausend Jahre und mehr als 100 Milliarden Dollar dauern, bis der Planet vollständig gesäubert ist. Auch die Ukraine steht aufgrund des hybriden Krieges im Donbass vor dem Problem der Minenräumung, wo Russland und seine Söldner aktiv Minen und improvisierte Sprengkörper einsetzen. Die Ukraine braucht wirksame Technologien und Mittel zum Aufspüren und Vernichten von Minen sowie internationale Unterstützung in dieser Richtung.
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